The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office Court Security Deputies are a part of the Support Division and supervised by the Chief Deputy. The Court Security Deputies are responsible for maintaining security within the courtroom and judicial center. Inmates of the Jail are escorted into the courtrooms though private, and secure, halls and elevators by correctional staff. The Court Security Deputy also provides courtroom security and assistance to courtroom officials, judges, and the jury.
All persons entering the Dunn County Circuit Court are subject to search.
Certain items are not allowed inside the courtroom. If you have any of these
items in your possession, you will asked to secure them inside your vehicle or
leave the building:
– Firearms
– Scissors/Knifes
– Pepper Spray/Mace
– Razor Blades
– Heavy Chains/Pocket Wallet Chains
– Glass Items/Certain Metal Items
– Handcuff Keys

The court officer is a part time employee assigned to coordinate all citations and arrest paperwork with the courts. They also maintain records pertaining to the disposition of citations and ordinance violations.
Transport officers are civilian employees that are used to transport prisoners between facilities throughout the state. The use of civilian transport officers is cost effective and efficient.
The Sheriff has a statutory responsibility for serving civil process papers. To accomplish this task, the Sheriff’s Office has a Civil Process Unit. This unit consists of one Deputy and one clerical position. Their primary responsibility is the service of civil process papers, handle evictions, reposes vehicles and hold Sheriff’s sales on foreclosed property. Thousands of civil process papers are served annually.
Fees are waived only when papers for service are accompanied with signed court ordered waiver of fees for indigence. Fees are due and payable within thirty days of service or pre-payment may be required of the plaintiff for future service. Any additional information including phone numbers, workplace and hours, vehicle, date of birth or physical descriptors included with the papers for service saves excessive fees and officers’ time. One complete copy is needed for service upon the person or company and one cover sheet of the document is needed.
If after three attempts, service is unsuccessful, contact will be made with the plaintiff for further instructions. Otherwise attempts will be made until such a time as the serving deputy deems it is futile to continue or plaintiff indicates in a cover letter the maximum attempts to be made.
It is the responsibility of the Dunn County Sheriff’s Office to post and conduct foreclosure sales. The Sheriff’s Office does not hold any keys to the property. Sales are held on the last Wednesday of each month (providing it’s not a holiday) at 10:00 AM, at the south main entrance of the Dunn County Judicial Center, 615 Stokke Parkways, Menomonie, WI 54751. These are public sales and anyone is welcome to bid, providing the successful bidder meets the terms of the sale.
All sheriff sales are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 10:00 A.M. in the south main entrance of the Dunn County Judicial Center at 615 Stokke Parkway, Menomonie, WI 54751.
$75 for posting sheriff sales and $75 for holding the sale.
$45 deposit required when dropping paperwork off for service; any additional charges will be billed.
WRITS-$55/hour- ,minimum one hour, plus mileage (current IRS rate)
715-231-2902 Civil Process Desk - Business Office
715-232-3900 Fax Line
715-232-1564 Sheriff - Business Office